Diese Seite ist nicht editierbar. Sie können den Quelltext sehen, jedoch nicht verändern. Kontaktieren Sie den Administrator, wenn Sie glauben, dass hier ein Fehler vorliegt. ====== Inofficial User Guide ====== von Ben Hest, [[https://forum.digikey.com/t/an-unofficial-discourse-user-reference-guide/|https://forum.digikey.com/t/an-unofficial-discourse-user-reference-guide/]] ====== Operations ====== forum.netzwissen.de läuft mit separaten Containern für Datenbank und Web. Siehe https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-move-from-standalone-container-to-separate-web-and-data-containers/29413 Entsprechend gibt es separate *.yml Konfigurationen für den Daten-Container und den Web-Container. <code> root@develd:/var/discourse/containers# ls -la total 28 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 20 10:11 . drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Apr 30 05:37 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4637 Nov 11 2020 app.yml.inactive -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1124 Nov 11 2020 data.yml -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Nov 11 2020 .gitkeep -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5059 Aug 20 10:11 web_only.yml </code> ====== Launcher ====== <code> root@develd:/var/discourse# ./launcher Usage: launcher COMMAND CONFIG [--skip-prereqs] [--docker-args STRING] Commands: start: Start/initialize a container stop: Stop a running container restart: Restart a container destroy: Stop and remove a container enter: Open a shell to run commands inside the container logs: View the Docker logs for a container bootstrap: Bootstrap a container for the config based on a template run: Run the given command with the config in the context of the last bootstrapped image rebuild: Rebuild a container (destroy old, bootstrap, start new) cleanup: Remove all containers that have stopped for > 24 hours start-cmd: Generate docker command used to start container Options: --skip-prereqs Don't check launcher prerequisites --docker-args Extra arguments to pass when running docker --skip-mac-address Don't assign a mac address --run-image Override the image used for running the container </code> ====== Logs ====== /var/discourse/shared/standalone/log/ Allgemeine Debug info /var/discourse/discourse-doctor <code> Found containers/app.yml ====== YAML SETTINGS ====== DISCOURSE_HOSTNAME=forum.netzwissen.de SMTP_ADDRESS=mail.netzwissen.de DEVELOPER_EMAILS=REDACTED SMTP_PASSWORD=REDACTED SMTP_PORT=587 SMTP_USER_NAME=noreply-discourse@netzwissen.de LETSENCRYPT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=REDACTED ====== DOCKER INFO ====== DOCKER VERSION: Docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0 DOCKER PROCESSES (docker ps -a) CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7333f3210491 local_discourse/app "/sbin/boot" 16 hours ago Up 16 hours>80/tcp app 539c78cffb6a 0dbf6b4c454b "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 weeks ago Exited (0) 17 hours ago zammad-docker-compose_zammad-memcached_1 Discourse container app is running </code> ====== Upgrade ====== Beide Container <code> /var/discourse ./launcher stop web_only && ./launcher rebuild data && ./launcher rebuild web_only </code> Nur web_only Appserver <code> /var/discourse ./launcher stop web_only && ./launcher rebuild web_only </code> ====== Plugins ====== - git clone https://github.com/discourse/docker_manager.git See https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/lib/plugin/metadata.rb for the official list. Plugin Installation https://meta.discourse.org/t/install-plugins-in-discourse/19157 ====== Maintenance ====== - One CPU and 1GB of memory, with swap, is the minimum for a basic Discourse community. As your community grows you may need more memory or CPU resources. - [Our Docker container install](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md) is the only one we officially support. It guarantees easy updates, and all recommended optimizations from the Discourse team. - You should get an email notification when new versions of Discourse are released. To update your instance via our easy one click upgrade process, visit [/admin/upgrade](/admin/upgrade). - Some other things you might eventually want to set up: - [Automatic daily backups](https://meta.discourse.org/t/configure-automatic-backups-for-discourse/14855) - [HTTPS support](https://meta.discourse.org/t/allowing-ssl-for-your-discourse-docker-setup/13847) - [Content Delivery Network support](https://meta.discourse.org/t/enable-a-cdn-for-your-discourse/14857) - [Reply via Email](https://meta.discourse.org/t/set-up-reply-via-email-support/14003) - [Import and Export your data](https://meta.discourse.org/t/move-your-discourse-instance-to-a-different-server/15721) - [Change the domain name](https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-do-i-change-the-domain-name/16098) - [Multiple Discourse instances on the same server](https://meta.discourse.org/t/multisite-configuration-with-docker/14084) - [Import old content from vBulletin, PHPbb, Vanilla, Drupal, BBPress, etc](https://github.com/discourse/discourse/tree/master/script/import_scripts) - A firewall on your server? [Configure firewall](https://meta.discourse.org/t/configure-a-firewall-for-discourse/20584). - A user friendly [offline page when rebuilding or upgrading?](https://meta.discourse.org/t/adding-an-offline-page-when-rebuilding/45238) - Embed Discourse [in your WordPress install](https://github.com/discourse/wp-discourse), or [on your static HTML site](https://meta.discourse.org/t/embedding-discourse-comments-via-javascript/31963) <code>cd /var/discourse git pull ./launcher rebuild app </code> ====== User Operations ====== **Mass invite** - One user per line. - Email is required in the first column, and the email must be valid. - Any permissions groups you want this user to be a member of should be in second column. For multiple groups, separate group names with a semicolon group_1;group_2;group_3 - Normally invited users arrive at the homepage. If you would rather invited users end up on a specific topic, enter that Topic ID in the third column. ''name@example.com,group_1;group_2,topic_id'' ====== Statistics ====== Plugin: Data Explorer https://github.com/SidVal/discourse-data-explorer/blob/queries/querys.md ====== Zutritt zum Container ====== <code> docker exec -it e6fe156e2091 /bin/bash </code> ====== Special settings ====== ===== Send personal message to all users on a Discourse site ===== https://meta.discourse.org/t/send-a-personal-message-or-email-to-all-users-on-a-discourse-site/229341 ====== Backup & Restore ====== ===== Backup ===== <code> root@docker2:/var/discourse# ./launcher enter web_only discourse backup <code> </code> Beim Backup übers UI wird ein Link an die Admin Adresse geschickt. Der Link enthält einen passenden token, der zeitlich begrenzt und nur im gleichen Auth Kontext funktioniert. ===== Restore ===== Die Restore Datei muss nach ///var/discourse/shared/web-only/backups/default// Um "aus Versehen" überschreiben zu vermeinden, muss enable_restore explizit aktiviert sein. <code> root@docker2:/var/discourse# ./launcher enter web_only discourse enable_restore discourse restore netzwissen-forum-2023-10-07-125819-v20230913194832.tar.gz </code> discourse.txt Zuletzt geändert: 28/08/2024 - 12:08von admin1