====== dokuJClient.jar ======
====== OAuth2 ======
====== External authentication from OC through AuthPDO ======
===== OC9: SQL Statement to select the data of a single user =====
SELECT oc_users.uid AS 'id',
oc_users.displayname AS 'name',
oc_users.password AS 'pass',
oc_preferences.configvalue AS 'mail' FROM oc_users INNER JOIN oc_preferences ON oc_users.uid=oc_preferences.userid
WHERE oc_users.uid = 'admin' AND oc_preferences.configkey = 'email'
===== OC 9: Statement to select all groups of a single user =====
SELECT oc_group_user.gid FROM oc_group_user WHERE oc_group_user.uid = 'thommie'
===== OC 9: Statement to select all available groups =====
SELECT gid FROM `oc_groups` WHERE 1
===== OC10: PDO Statement to select the data of a single user =====
SELECT "oc_accounts.user_id" as "user",
"oc_accounts.display_name" as "name",
"oc_accounts.email" as "mail",
"substr(oc_users.password, 3)" as "hash"
FROM "oc_users" LEFT JOIN "oc_users" ON "oc_accounts.user_id=oc_users.uid"
WHERE "oc_accounts.user_id" LIKE :user
Owncloud Code hasher: [[https://github.com/owncloud/core/blob/master/lib/private/Security/Hasher.php|https://github.com/owncloud/core/blob/master/lib/private/Security/Hasher.php]]