Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.
Passende Seitennamen:
- windows
- Rother>systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Betriebssystemname" /C:"Betriebssystemversion" Betriebssystemname: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB Betriebssyste... = ''Get-NetConnectionProfile '' See the network name you want to change its type and run the following command: ''Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name “ITT” -NetworkCategory Public '' Where ITT is th
- hetzner
- ink hinzufügen <code> ip link add link enp0s31f6 name enp0s31f6.4000 type vlan id 4000 </code> mtu auf
- proxmox
- nt │ email │ enable │ expire │ firstname │ groups │ keys │ lastname │ realm-type │ tokens │ ╞═════════════╪═════════╪═════════════════════╪═════... Container umbenennen <code> pct set <VMID> --hostname <newname> </code> Container betreten <code> pct enter <VMID> </code> ===== Datei senden und empfan
- postgres
- DECLARE r RECORD; BEGIN FOR r IN (SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = current_schema()) LOOP EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE ' || quote_ident(r.tablename) || ' CASCADE'; END LOOP; END $$; </code> \q b... === \du listet alle User <code> ALTER ROLE [username] WITH PASSWORD 'xxxx'; </code> Zugriffsrechte au
- shell
- rmalerweise im User, nicht mit sudo ''screen -S [name]'' alternativ screen -R (erzeugt neue Session we... eder an die Session binden ''screen -d -R sessionname '' will resume a session that you started in a di... kuplog/" timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) filename=log_$timestamp.txt log=$path$filename days=7 START_TIME=$(date +%s) find $path -maxdepth 1 -name
- networkmanager
- vieren <code> nmcli connection up id <connection name> </code> VPN Verbindung mit inzeraktiver Abfrage... eren <code> nmcli connection down id <connection name> </code> Löschen <code> nmcl connection delete ... '' Neu anlegen <code> nmcli connection edit con-name <name of new connection> </code> ====== Bridge anlegen ====== Doku: [[
- docker
- releases/download/${RADSECVERSION}/ ENV RADSECFILENAME radsecproxy-${RADSECVERSION}.tar.gz # Change wor... oxy source files RUN wget ${RADSECURL}${RADSECFILENAME} # Untar radsecproxy RUN tar xf ${RADSECFILENAME} --strip-components=1 # Configure RUN ./configure --... root@docker1:~# docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE 54e670dd998d bridge
- easyrsa
- ey ohne Passwort) <code> ./easyrsa gen-req EntityName nopass </code> ===== Importieren ===== <code> ... signiert <code> ./easyrsa sign-req client EntityName ./easyrsa sign-req server EntityName </code> ===== Zertifikats Inhalt anzeigen ===== <code> ./easyrsa show-req EntityName./easyrsa show-cert EntityName </code> Alternati
- openssl
- s key löschen (RSA) <code> openssl rsa -in ${filename}.key -out ${filename}.key </code> ===== Schlüssel mit elliptic curve ===== Diese Schlüssel sind klei... d kein Passwort verlangt <code> openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out key.pem </code> ... **mit** Passwort erzeugen <code> openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey | openssl ec -aes256 -out key.
- dateisysteme
- sse finden ===== <code> { find ocdata/ -type f -name "*.*" -printf "%s+"; echo 0; } | bc | numfmt --to
- aws
- **fixme** <code> $ aws configure sso SSO session name (Recommended): my-sso SSO start URL [None]: https... 7kGGdvk1md5pDAZJ5Fr3TURkxjMWec Default region name [None]: eu-central-1 Default output format [None]... 7kGGdvk1md5pDAZJ5Fr3TURkxjMWec Default region name [None]: eu-central-1 Default output format [None]... ws configure --profile netzwissen sso SSO session name (Recommended): my-sso SSO start URL [None]: https
- curl
- xpire date: Feb 25 15:13:22 2020 GMT * subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's " == Proxy Auth ===== <code> curl --proxy-user username:password -x proxy_address ... ader ===== <code> curl -x proxy_address -H "Header-Name: Header-Value" </code>
- ssh
- q ~/.ssh/key1 ~/.ssh/key2 ~/.ssh/key3 < /dev/null Name=ssh-add Type=Application </code> Keys manuell hi
- opensuse
- \\ Gateway | \\ ''gateway='' | | \\ Name Server | \\ ''nameserver='' \\ \\ '... </code> You can use any file name, but each file in this directory reflects a group... eren ====== **Export** <code> rpm -qai | grep "^Name :" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs > rpm_pkgs_l... n approach is now to run 'rpm -qa –queryformat '%{NAME}\n** and with 'zypper lr -pu' prior to my regular
- discourse
- p.yml ====== YAML SETTINGS ====== SMTP_ADDRESS=mail.netzwissen.... ED SMTP_PASSWORD=REDACTED SMTP_PORT=587 LETSENCRYPT_ACCOU... a-different-server/15721) - [Change the domain name]( - [Multiple Discourse instances on the