
Action disabled: register

KDE & Plasma

WasProgrammFunktionIst default
Alt + F2krunneranzeigenja
Alt + Leertastekrunneranzeigenja
Metalatte dockanzeigenja
Meta Pfeil links/rechtskwinArbeitsfläche wechselnnein
Alt Umsch. PatomProjekte auflistenja
kquitapp5 plasmashell || killall plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell
Shortcut Description

Ctrl Q


Ctrl Esc

System Activity

Ctrl Alt Esc

Force Quit

Alt Space / Alt F2

Run Command Interface

Alt F4




Meta =

Zoom In

Meta -

Zoom Out

Meta 0

Zoom Normal

Meta Up

Pan Up

Meta Down

Pan Down

Meta Left

Pan left

Meta Right

Pan Right



Ctrl +Alt +L

Lock Screen

Ctrl +Alt +Del


Ctrl +Alt +Shift +Del

Logout without confirmation

Ctrl +Alt +Shift +Page Down

Shut Down without confirmation

Ctrl +Alt +Shift +Page Up

Reboot without confirmation

Siehe https://gist.github.com/Trucido/b788017a18e1189e6703e42315e8829c

sudo zypper in pam_kwallet

Make copies of the required common stacks:

''cd /etc/pam.d/
cp common-auth-pc kwallet-auth-pc
cp common-password-pc kwallet-password-pc
cp common-session-pc kwallet-session-pc


Logout delay verringern: /usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.breeze.desktop/contents/logout/Logout.qml


function sleepRequested() {

    function hibernateRequested() {

**    property real timeout: 10**
    property real remainingTime: root.timeout

Doku siehe http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-index.html


compositing an und ausschalten

qdbus-qt5 org.kde.KWin /Compositor suspend
qdbus-qt5 org.kde.KWin /Compositor resume


Krunner starten: Alt + F2 oder Alt + Leertaste

kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart plasmashell

1) In the graphical session, find the value of DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY variables: echo $DISPLAY :0 echo $XAUTHORITY /run/user/…

2) SSH into the computer from another machine using the same user as in the graphical session.

3) Set the DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY variables to the same values as above: export DISPLAY=:0 export XAUTHORITY=/run/user/…

4) Start kwin in gdb in the ssh session: gdb –args kwin_x11 –replace 5) Reproduce the issue. 6) The gdb is now hopefully showing segfault, abort or something. If not, hit CTRL C to get gdb prompt. Then run the "generate-core-file": (gdb) generate-core-file

Saved corefile core.25218

KDE Applikationen

Ports öffnen

sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=1714-1764/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=1714-1764/udp
sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service

SMS schreiben auf der Shell

kdeconnect-cli -d 67b46763bed13456 --destination +491727141952 --send-sms "Mobilnummer Marianne: +4917623891738"
  • kde_plasma.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 17/04/2024 - 08:47
  • von admin