Networkmanager command line
- Reference Manual:
Alle Verbindungen zeigen bzw. nur aktive:
nmcli connection show nmcli connection show --active
Verbindung aktivieren
nmcli connection up id <connection name>
VPN Verbindung mit inzeraktiver Abfrage der Benutzergruppe
nmcli connection up --ask
nmcli connection down id <connection name>
nmcl connection delete [xxxx]
Alle Configs neu laden
nmcli conn reload
Neu anlegen
nmcli connection edit con-name <name of new connection>
Bridge anlegen
nmcli connection add ifname br0 type bridge con-name br0
Ethernet Schnittstelle hinzufügen
nmcli connection add type bridge-slave ifname eth1 master br0
Verbindung konfigurieren
mit goto navigieren, mit back zurück. describe beschreibt Optionen.
Z.B. mit describe bridge:
===| nmcli interactive connection editor |===
Adding a new 'bridge' connection
Type 'help' or '?' for available commands.
Type 'describe [<setting>.<prop>]' for detailed property description.
You may edit the following settings: connection, bridge, 802-3-ethernet (ethernet), ipv4, ipv6
nmcli> describe
Error: no setting selected; valid are [connection, bridge, 802-3-ethernet (ethernet), ipv4, ipv6]
use 'goto <setting>' first, or 'describe <setting>.<property>'
nmcli> describe bridge
=== [mac-address] ===
[NM property description]
If specified, the MAC address of bridge. When creating a new bridge, this MAC address will be set. When matching an existing (outside NetworkManager created) bridge, this MAC address must match.
=== [stp] ===
[NM property description]
Controls whether Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled for this bridge.
=== [priority] ===
[NM property description]
Sets the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) priority for this bridge. Lower values are "better"; the lowest priority bridge will be elected the root bridge.
=== [forward-delay] ===
[NM property description]
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) forwarding delay, in seconds.
=== [hello-time] ===
[NM property description]
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) hello time, in seconds.
=== [max-age] ===
[NM property description]
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) maximum message age, in seconds.
=== [ageing-time] ===
[NM property description]
The Ethernet MAC address aging time, in seconds.
Mit set wird eine property gesetzt
set bridge.stp true
set bridge.mac 78:24:af:88:eb:99
nmcli ipv4> set ipv4.addresses nmcli ipv4>? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---[ Main menu ]--- goto [<setting> | <prop>] :: go to a setting or property remove <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop> :: remove setting or reset property value set [<setting>.<prop> <value>] :: set property value describe [<setting>.<prop>] :: describe property print [all | <setting>[.<prop>]] :: print the connection verify [all | fix] :: verify the connection save [persistent|temporary] :: save the connection activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>] :: activate the connection back :: go one level up (back) help/? [<command>] :: print this help nmcli <conf-option> <value> :: nmcli configuration quit :: exit nmcli ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
print listet die gesetzten Einstellungen auf.
verify verifiziert die Einstellungen
save persistent sichert die Einstellungen und aktiviert die Verbindung sofort