
Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!


# sources for configuration:

mode server
# bridged vpn with client IP range

# Protocol/port
proto udp
port 1194

### Type of operation
# operation with PKI
# instead for using a symmetric key
# secret /etc/openvpn/server_static.key
# for vpn with shared key
# tls-auth xxx 1

# Device type
dev tap0

# receive connection request on this local adress only
# if not defined, use all interfaces

# topology and network
topology subnet
# make IPs persistant
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
# clients can see each other

# see
sndbuf 393216
rcvbuf 393216

## PKI - certificates and keys, directory of cert/key
cd /etc/openvpn
## Root CA which signed openvpn server and client certs
ca /etc/easyrsa-pki/ca.crt
## cert of openvpn server
cert /etc/openvpn/locutus.netzwissen.local.crt
## key of server
key /etc/openvpn/locutus.netzwissen.local.key
# diffie hellman parameter
# create with: openssl genpkey -genparam -algorithm DH -out /etc/openvpn/dh2014.pem
dh /etc/easyrsa-pki/dh.pem
# certificate revocation list, should be copied from CA
crl-verify /etc/openvpn/crl.pem

# Verification of certs
# Details:
# old method (Name/name-prefix from CN field)
# verify-x509-name locutus.netzwissen.local name
# new method from RFC3280: type of certificate must be client
remote-cert-eku "TLS Web Client Authentication"

# Cipher algorithm
cipher AES-256-CBC
# HMAC Authentication
auth SHA256

# tunnel compression

# hardening. Beware: can exclude pre-2.3.3 clients
# tls-version-min 1.2

## pushed configs for clients for routing & dns
## redirect all traffic to VPN
## push "redirect-gateway def1"
push "route"
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN netzwissen.local"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option WINS"
push "sndbuf 393216"
push "rcvbuf 393216"

# will not work with --ifconfig-pool-persist
# duplicate-cn
# permissions after connect
user nobody
group nogroup
# dont re-read keys after --ping-restart
# dont restart tun after --ping-restart

log /var/log/openvpn.log
# Status info
status /var/log/openvpn-status.log 20
# dont repeat messages so often
mute 20
# Log-Levels: 0 no logging, 4 standard, 5 + 6 debugging, 9 max
verb 6

# Daemon-Mode: write to syslog - activate after the configuration finished

# Management console
management localhost 7505

Management Console

Die Management Konsole läuft auf localhost und ist über P. 7505 erreichbar.

 root@server6:/etc/openvpn/staticclients# telnet localhost 7505

Beenden mit quit.

INFO:OpenVPN Management Interface Version 1 -- type 'help' for more info
Management Interface for OpenVPN 2.3.10 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] [MH] [IPv6] built on Feb  2 2016
auth-retry t           : Auth failure retry mode (none,interact,nointeract).
bytecount n            : Show bytes in/out, update every n secs (0=off).
echo [on|off] [N|all]  : Like log, but only show messages in echo buffer.
exit|quit              : Close management session.
forget-passwords       : Forget passwords entered so far.
help                   : Print this message.
hold [on|off|release]  : Set/show hold flag to on/off state, or
                         release current hold and start tunnel.
kill cn                : Kill the client instance(s) having common name cn.
kill IP:port           : Kill the client instance connecting from IP:port.
load-stats             : Show glsobal server load stats.
log [on|off] [N|all]   : Turn on/off realtime log display
                         + show last N lines or 'all' for entire history.
mute [n]               : Set log mute level to n, or show level if n is absent.
needok type action     : Enter confirmation for NEED-OK request of 'type',
                         where action = 'ok' or 'cancel'.
needstr type action    : Enter confirmation for NEED-STR request of 'type',
                         where action is reply string.
net                    : (Windows only) Show network info and routing table.
password type p        : Enter password p for a queried OpenVPN password.
remote type [host port] : Override remote directive, type=ACCEPT|MOD|SKIP.
proxy type [host port flags] : Enter dynamic proxy server info.
pid                    : Show process ID of the current OpenVPN process.
pkcs11-id-count        : Get number of available PKCS#11 identities.
pkcs11-id-get index    : Get PKCS#11 identity at index.
client-auth CID KID    : Authenticate client-id/key-id CID/KID (MULTILINE)
client-auth-nt CID KID : Authenticate client-id/key-id CID/KID
client-deny CID KID R [CR] : Deny auth client-id/key-id CID/KID with log reason
                             text R and optional client reason text CR
client-kill CID [M]    : Kill client instance CID with message M (def=RESTART)
env-filter [level]     : Set env-var filter level
client-pf CID          : Define packet filter for client CID (MULTILINE)
rsa-sig                : Enter an RSA signature in response to>RSA_SIGN challenge
                         Enter signature base64 on subsequent lines followed by END
signal s               : Send signal s to daemon,
                         s = SIGHUP|SIGTERM|SIGUSR1|SIGUSR2.
state [on|off] [N|all] : Like log, but show state history.
status [n]             : Show current daemon status info using format #n.
test n                 : Produce n lines of output for testing/debugging.
username type u        : Enter username u for a queried OpenVPN username.
verb [n]               : Set log verbosity level to n, or show if n is absent.
version                : Show current version number.

Debugging auf OpenVPN Client Seite (Linux)

 journalctl -fu NetworkManager

Client IPs fest zuweisen

In die *.conf kommt eine neue Direktive:

 client-config-dir /etc/openvpn/staticclients

In diesem Verzeichnis für jeden Client einen Datei openvpn_dvsdnet_[name] legen. Diese enthält die IP Adresse und die Netzmaske des Clients:


OpenVPN liest diese Datei beim Connect zusätzlich ein, aber DNS und Gateway kommen weiterhin über die zentralen push Kommandos. Ggf kann man auch ein Client-spezifisches Push anhängen, siehe dazu


EASYRSA: CA einrichten

./easyrsa init-pki
./easyrsa build-ca

DH erzeugen

 ./easyrsa gen-dh

Zertifikate erzeugen

Signing Request (CSR) erzeugen, mit nopass = Key ohne Passwort

./easyrsa gen-req EntityName

./easyrsa gen-req EntityName nopass

danach signieren mit

./easyrsa sign-req server EntityName

./easyrsa sign-req client EntityName

server und client bestimmt, ob es ein Server oder Client Zertifikat ist.

Der Client sollte den im OpenVPN Zertifikat angegebenen Common Name prüfen. Server prüft seinerseits den Zertifikatstyp des Clients (RFC3280):

# Verification of certs
# Details:
# old method (Name/name-prefix from CN field)
# verify-x509-name locutus.netzwissen.local name
# new method from RFC3280: type of certificate must be client
remote-cert-eku "TLS Web Client Authentication"

Zertifikate zurückziehen

./easyrsa revoke server EntityName

Danach mit easyrsa gen-crl die zurückgezogenen zertifikate in die crl aufnehmen.

pki/index.txt zeigt, welche Zertifikate zurückkgezogen wurden.

Inhalte kontrollieren


openssl req -in -text -noout


openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -text -noout
  • openvpn.1503559438.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 17/08/2024 - 07:06
  • (Externe Bearbeitung)