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Versions- & Patch-Information
C:\Users\Thomas Rother>systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Betriebssystemname" /C:"Betriebssystemversion" Betriebssystemname: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB Betriebssystemversion: 10.0.14393 Nicht zutreffend Build 14393
Patch Status mit PS get-hotfix
PS C:ProgramDataMercedes-BenzUserDatalogsXentry> get-hotfix Source Description HotFixID InstalledBy InstalledOn ------ ----------- -------- ----------- ----------- XDPAD-415607 Update KB4100347 XDPAD-415607Admi... 08.11.2018 00:00:00 XDPAD-415607 Security Update KB4338832 XDPAD-415607Admi... 13.08.2018 00:00:00 XDPAD-415607 Update KB4343669 NT-AUTORITÄTSYSTEM 13.08.2018 00:00:00 XDPAD-415607 Update KB4456655 NT-AUTORITÄTSYSTEM 08.11.2018 00:00:00 XDPAD-415607 Security Update KB4457146 XDPAD-415607Admi... 08.11.2018 00:00:00 XDPAD-415607 Update KB4462930 XDPAD-415607Admi... 08.11.2018 00:00:00 XDPAD-415607 Security Update KB4462919 NT-AUTORITÄTSYSTEM 08.11.2018 00:00:00
Windows 11 ohne Kontozwang
Tail und Logfiles
tail Ersatz:
Get-Content ./log.log -Wait -Tail 10
gets the last 10 lines of the file and waits for more
Tail, Grep und Pipe in Datei:
"Get-Content .InDia_debug.log -Wait -Tail 10 | Select-String -Pattern 'appdynamics' | out-file 'appdyn_fusoko.log'"
Grosse Dateien suchen
< 1 GB
//forfiles /S /M * /C “cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 1073741824 echo @path> largefiles.txt//
Windows Defender auf der Kommandozeile
Quick scan in einem Verzeichnis
<font inherit/inherit;;#800000;;inherit>"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe"</font> <font inherit/inherit;;pink;;inherit>-</font>Scan <font inherit/inherit;;pink;;inherit>-</font>ScanType 1 <font inherit/inherit;;#FF0000;;inherit>-File</font> <font inherit/inherit;;#800000;;inherit>"D:\Folder\Path"</font>
Full scan
<font inherit/inherit;;#800000;;inherit>"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe"</font> <font inherit/inherit;;pink;;inherit>-</font>Scan <font inherit/inherit;;pink;;inherit>-</font>ScanType 2 <font inherit/inherit;;#FF0000;;inherit>-File</font> <font inherit/inherit;;#800000;;inherit>"D:\Folder\Path"</font>
Bootsektor scannen
<font inherit/inherit;;#800000;;inherit>"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe"</font> <font inherit/inherit;;pink;;inherit>-</font>Scan <font inherit/inherit;;pink;;inherit>-</font>ScanType BootSectorScan
Network location settings
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/NetworkList/Profiles
Category Reg_DWORD
0 = public,1 = work, 2 = domain
Setting network profile with PowerShell:
See the network name you want to change its type and run the following command:
Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name “ITT” -NetworkCategory Public
Where ITT is the name of your network and you can change the -NetworkCategory switch value to Public or Private.
netsh Befehle
dhcpclient dhcp nap hra http interface nps ipsec nap bridge netio nps ras routing rpc advfirewall winhttp wins winsock lan wlan
Windows Server: The netsh routing context is available only on a computer running Windows Server that has the Routing and Remote Access Service installed. It is not available on a computer running a client version of Windows.
Proxy lesen
netsh winhttp show proxy
Proxy setzen
netsh winhttp set proxy
Proxy Setting aus IE importieren
import proxy source =ie
Proxy zurücksetzen (Direktverbindung)
netsh reset proxyreset proxy
Disable Master Browser
HKey_Local_MachineSystemCurrentControlSetServicesBrowser Parameters.
Default is Auto, set to "false"
SMB2 - Gastanmeldungen zulassen
In Win 10 sind anonyme SMB2 Shares deaktiviert. Eine Gruppenrichtlinie erlaubt sie wieder.