
Owncloud OCIS (owncloud infinite scale)

"ocis init" creates yaml. For the admin user, use the same credentias as in the realm of the IDP

root@ocis:/etc# sudo -u ocis ocis init --admin-password=xxxxxxxxx --insecure=false --config-path=/etc/ocis --

 generated OCIS Config
 configpath : /etc/ocis/ocis.yaml
 user       : admin
 password   : xxxxxxxxxxx

sudo -u ocis OCIS_INSECURE=false OCIS_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/ocis PROXY_HTTP_ADDR= \
PROXY_TLS=false OCIS_URL=https://ocis.netzwissen.de OCIS_BASE_DATA_PATH=/mnt/data/ocis \
OCIS_LOG_LEVEL=debug OCIS_LOG_FILE=/var/log/ocis/ocis.log ocis server
 <font inherit/monospace;;inherit;;#000000background-color:#ffffff;>root@ocis:~# ocis version</font>  Version: 4.0.5
Compiled: 2023-12-21 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
 <font inherit/monospace;;inherit;;#000000background-color:#ffffff;>root@ocis:~# ocis list</font>  +--------------------+
|      SERVICE       |
| app-provider       |
| app-registry       |
| auth-basic         |
| auth-machine       |
| eventhistory       |
| frontend           |
| gateway            |
| graph              |
| groups             |
| idm                |
| idp                |
| invitations        |
| nats               |
| notifications      |
| ocdav              |
| ocs                |
| postprocessing     |
| proxy              |
| search             |
| settings           |
| sharing            |
| storage-publiclink |
| storage-shares     |
| storage-system     |
| storage-users      |
| store              |
| thumbnails         |
| userlog            |
| users              |
| web                |
| webdav             |
| webfinger          |
  • ocis.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 17/08/2024 - 07:06
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