
Dies ist eine alte Version des Dokuments!

Owncloud OCIS (owncloud infinite scale)

"ocis init" creates yaml. For the admin user, use the same credentias as in the realm of the IDP

root@ocis:/etc# sudo -u ocis ocis init --admin-password=xxxxxxxxx --insecure=false --config-path=/etc/ocis --

 generated OCIS Config
 configpath : /etc/ocis/ocis.yaml
 user       : admin
 password   : xxxxxxxxxxx

sudo -u ocis OCIS_INSECURE=false OCIS_CONFIG_DIR=/etc/ocis PROXY_HTTP_ADDR= \
PROXY_TLS=false OCIS_URL=https://ocis.netzwissen.de OCIS_BASE_DATA_PATH=/mnt/data/ocis \
OCIS_LOG_LEVEL=debug OCIS_LOG_FILE=/var/log/ocis/ocis.log ocis server
 <font inherit/monospace;;inherit;;#000000background-color:#ffffff;>root@ocis:~# ocis version</font>  Version: 4.0.5
Compiled: 2023-12-21 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
 <font inherit/monospace;;inherit;;#000000background-color:#ffffff;>root@ocis:~# ocis list</font>  +--------------------+
|      SERVICE       |
| app-provider       |
| app-registry       |
| auth-basic         |
| auth-machine       |
| eventhistory       |
| frontend           |
| gateway            |
| graph              |
| groups             |
| idm                |
| idp                |
| invitations        |
| nats               |
| notifications      |
| ocdav              |
| ocs                |
| postprocessing     |
| proxy              |
| search             |
| settings           |
| sharing            |
| storage-publiclink |
| storage-shares     |
| storage-system     |
| storage-users      |
| store              |
| thumbnails         |
| userlog            |
| users              |
| web                |
| webdav             |
| webfinger          |
  • ocis.1705165337.txt.gz
  • Zuletzt geändert: 05/03/2024 - 10:52
  • (Externe Bearbeitung)